
Email: Embeds

Content Settings #

Email Content Content blocks are used for each individual type of Email Recommendations, can be controlled separately and makes it easy to work with Email Recommendations .

The Designs are stored at Clerk.io, and you only need to insert an embed code into a template in your Email Client.

Any number of Content blocks can be based on a single Design, or you can create separate Designs for each Content.

You can check your existing Content, and create new ones, by clicking on Email -> Content in the side-menu:

Each unique Content block is controlled by its own settings. You can choose a unique name for all Content blocks, which will also function as its tracking label.

Each Content block’s Settings page is divided into four sections that you can access by clicking Edit Content.

Name your content #

Controls the Name and tracking Labels for the Content block.

Choose product logic #

Defines which type of products should be displayed in the Content.

You can also control whether any Filters should be applied, if, for example you only want to show products above or below or certain price, or from a specific brand.

Select design #

This lets you choose how many products to show, and which Design to base the Content on.

Insert into e-mail #

Content blocks are attached to an embedcode which will show them in your email template.

Simply choose your E-mail Platform from the platform, and copy the embedcode and insert it to your email template where they should be shown

Note that embedcodes might need extra info like keywords or category IDs , depending on the logic:

Styling #

Designs determine how products should be rendered visually. For Email Recommendations, they can be found under Email then select Designs at my.clerk.io. A single Design can be used across multiple Email Content blocks.

Creating new designs is easy, as the built-in wizard guides you through the whole process. Start by heading to Email, then select Designs and to start creating, select New Design.

Select the type of design you want to work with, in this case it will be Embedded Content. Then click Next.

Select the type of content you want to work with, in this case it will be Embedded Content. Then click Next.

Name your design.Then click Create design.

Once you have made your changes to the design click Publish to save the design.

After creating an initial Design, you can change it in any way you want afterwards in the Design Editor.

To preview your Email design, head to your Content, scroll to Select Design and select the design you made and scroll to insert into email and select Preview Content.