
Clerkjs: Configuration

Configuring Clerk.js #

Clerk.js allows for a variety of configurations.

As mentioned earlier, if you prefer managing session IDs manually, you can configure the visitor parameter that Clerk uses in API calls. Alternatively, you can turn off session tracking entirely by setting visitor to null.

// Custom visitor ID
Clerk('config', {
  visitor: 'ABC123'

// Disabling visitor tracking
Clerk('config', {
  visitor: null

You can add Formatters and Globals to your design scope.

Formatters are used to influence or change attributes. For example, you may only want to show the first 40 characters of a description, or you may need to calculate a specific discount percentage based on the type of customer who is logged in.

Globals are meant to be used with frontend data that you want to access in designs. This could include the remaining amount needed to achieve free shipping, the name of a logged-in customer, a currency symbol, or a conversion rate, among other things.

// Config
Clerk('config', {
  formatters: {
    uppercase: function(string) {
        return string.toUpperCase();
  globals: {
    currency_symbol: '$'

// Use in Design

<div class="clerk-product-name">{{ | uppercase }}</div>
<div class="clerk-product-price"> {{ currency_symbol }}{{ product.price }}</div>

Tracking visitor emails automatically #

Clerk.js can automatically collect emails i n the customer’s browsing session to be used for Abandoned Basket emails and other email campaigns.

Simply configure Clerk.js with collect_email: true as shown here:


    var e=d.createElement('script');e.type='text/javascript';e.async=true;
    var s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(e,s);

  Clerk('config', {
    key: 'insert_public_key',
    collect_email: true